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I'm Gloria

Principal coach for Co-Change Lab. I support people and organizations to create meaningful changes.

Let me share my personal story with you.

I have an internal clock.

It always reminds me that time is ticking.

I thankfully found this internal clock when diagnosed with incurable visual impairment. I felt desperate and hopeless, knowing that I might lose my vision one day. 

However, the unexpected turn of life also led me to begin a deep search for a meaningful life. 

"What footprint do I want to leave behind?"

"What am I good at? How can I discover my talent?"

"What's it like to spend the rest of my life meaningfully?"

These questions had lingered with me for many years, yet it took a long time for me to get the clarity I needed.


Finally, I found my own answers through the support and coaching from my mentor, who was an executive coach. My eyes were open to new possibilities, and I found my sense of purpose in my life. Since then, I have been on a mission to empower people and organizations to bring their full potential by enabling positive changes. This mission became the constant guiding purpose of my career.

To achieve the mission, I intentionally created my career journey for the last decade, expanding my work to create personal and organizational impact. I started my career in a sales enablement role at Microsoft to coach sales executives. I moved on to an HR role at Learning & Development team at Autodesk to empower people through designing and delivering learning programs. In my last role at Autodesk, I served as a Change Management Lead for the Customer Success organization, enabling the organization to be better equipped to manage changes. 

I also continued my journey of development to achieve this mission. I am a certified coach by the International Coach Federation (ACC) with over 200 hours of coaching, a certified facilitator for MBTI® and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management Instrument (TKI), and a Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner. I also hold a Master's in Human Systems Intervention from Concordia University and a Bachelor of Business Management from Singapore Management University.


As a founder of Co-Change Lab Inc, I am amplifying my mission to help people and organizations as a coach. 

Now, I want to hear your story. 

What brought you here? What are you curious to learn more about?

And... how can I support you? 

If you want to connect, let's chat. 

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